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営業時間、予約なし診療およびご予約。This page is available in English.
At Labcorp, we're on a mission to improve health and improve lives. That's why we created Labcorp OnDemand - to give you easier access to trusted tests that help you manage your health. From annual health checks to COVID-19 tests, to cholesterol, fertility & pregnancy, and more - Labcorp OnDemand is dedicated to bringing you answers that will give you peace of mind and a better understanding of your health.
Labcorp OnDemand is a way to shop and pay for many routine lab tests online. Purchase the lab tests you want - Labcorp OnDemand does not bill your insurance company. Then, following an immediate physician review and order, schedule lab work at your convenience at the Labcorp location nearest you. You’ll receive quick, private lab results. Share your results with your doctor or just use them for peace of mind. すべての検査を検索 »
Shop for tests on and pay online. We do not bill insurance.
An independent physician will review and approve your test requests; no doctor’s visit is required.
We'll email you your lab requisition number. Bring this number and photo ID to a Labcorp location for sample collection. You can make an appointment or just walk in. Rather collect your sample at home? View our at-home collection kits.
View your easy-to-read results online in your Labcorp OnDemand account. If you have a Labcorp Patient™ account, you can also view your OnDemand test results there. For certain results that require prompt attention, you will also be contacted by phone or mail.
Traditional Labcorp |
Labcorp OnDemand |
Test codes that physicians trust | Test codes that physicians trust |
Samples processed in a world-class lab | Samples processed in a world-class lab |
Sample collected by a healthcare professional | Sample collected by a healthcare professional |
Requires a separate physician order | Includes a physician order |
Insurance is billed, with an out-of-pocket estimate provided | You pay up front with a credit card or by using your HSA/FSA dollars |
Nearly 5,000 test codes | A carefully curated menu of the most commonly ordered lab tests |
Results posted in your Labcorp | Patient account | Results posted in your Labcorp OnDemand account and in your Labcorp | Patient account |
Available in all 50 states | Available in all 50 states |
Available to all patients | Available to consumers age 18 or older |
Labcorp OnDemand is available to consumers age 18 or older in all 50 states. Labcorp OnDemand is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or medical condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or clinically guided treatment. To learn more about Labcorp OnDemand, visit