This page is available in English.
営業時間、予約なし診療およびご予約。This page is available in English.
Labcorp makes a variety of payment options available to patients, helping you better prepare for laboratory services. If you need additional assistance, call us at 800-845-6167.
Patient Health Coverage | LabCorp Coverage |
Private Health Insurance | Labcorp will bill your health insurance directly. Your health insurance company will determine coverage and payment, as well as the amount for which you are responsible, such as copay or deductible, if any. |
Medicaid | Labcorp will bill Medicaid. |
Medicare | Labcorp will bill Medicare. Medicare will determine coverage and payment. |
No Health Insurance | The Labcorp LabAccess Partnership program (LAP) offers a menu of routine tests at discounted prices. Restrictions apply. Available only at Labcorp patient service centers. |
Labcorp will file claims directly to Medicare, Medicaid, and many insurance companies and managed care plans. Before you have lab tests performed, please make sure:
Once your insurer has processed your claim, you will receive an explanation of benefits (EOB) from your insurer informing you of the amount it will pay for your laboratory services.
If you do not have insurance or your health care benefits do not cover clinical laboratory testing services, you will have to pay for the tests performed by Labcorp before specimen collection services are performed.
Labcorp offers programs to address those patients who have true financial needs, including:
Please call us at 800-845-6167 for more information about these programs. For more information about patient billing and payment information, view our PDF.
Labcorp makes it easy for you to pay any balance you may owe as a result of the laboratory services you will receive. Just present your credit card or health savings account (HSA) card when you check in for your specimen collection. You'll be able to simply and securely approve a charge to your account that will only be made if a balance remains after your insurance company has processed your claim.
For more information about Sign and Go, view our patient information PDF.