

MV(4;11): A model of human AML (acute myeloid leukemia)

December 1, 2016

In an effort to more effectively evaluate treatments preclinically, Labcorp offers a human AML model, MV(4;11) (FUW-Luc-mCherry-puro), that has been modified to include both luciferase and mCherry reporter constructs.  Through expression of luciferase, bioluminescent imaging (BLI) can be used to quantitatively measure and track in vivo disease progression in a longitudinal manner.  In addition, expression of mCherry can be used ex vivo to detect presence or absence of tumor cells in the bone marrow.  At Labcorp we have optimized the MV(4;11) model in female NSG mice (Jackson Labs). Our ability to track disease progression with BLI makes this model a powerful tool for investigators discovering and developing novel drugs for AML by coupling traditional pharmacology endpoints such as overall survival and body weight loss with in vivo, quantitative disease progression over time. Preclinically, BLI has become the cornerstone imaging modality in the quantification of hematologic malignancy models and is invaluable to the drug discovery process.

Fig 1

Contact Labcorp today for more Information on the MV(4;11) (FUW-Luc-mCherry-puro) model or one of our other hematologic malignancy models?we have dozens of cell lines!


Note: Please note that all animal care and use was conducted according to animal welfare regulations in an AAALAC-accredited facility with IACUC protocol review and approval.