Charles M. Walworth, MD

Discipline Director, Molecular Infections Disease, Monogram Biosciences, San Francisco, Calif.

Dr Walworth did his undergraduate work at Georgetown University where he majored in biology with a minor in psychology. He completed medical school and residency training in internal medicine at Georgetown University School of Medicine. Dr Walworth re-directed his career (initially slated for urology) after working in a refugee camp on the Thai-Cambodian border, when the first five cases of AIDS were reported at Bangkok General Hospital. He completed a fellowship in infectious diseases at the National Institutes of Health and served as the Clinical Trials Physician in the NIAID Clinical Trials Unit.

Dr Walworth later entered private practice in Orange County, CA, where he built a very large HIV practice, conducted numerous clinical trials, served on speaker bureaus and advisory boards for several pharmaceutical companies, and worked closely with AIDS service organizations. In 2008 he joined Monogram Biosciences in South San Francisco, CA, initially as director of global medical affairs. He is now the associate vice president of medical affairs and education at Monogram.


  1. HIV-1 DNA testing identifies drug resistance in viremic patients with pan-sensitive plasma virus
  2. Results of repeat HIV-1 DNA resistance tests are highly concordant
  3. HIV-1 DNA testing in viremic patients demonstrates a greater ability to detect drug resistance compared to plasma virus testing
    1. View Webinar
  4. HIV-1 DNA resistance testing informs the successful switch to a single tablet regimen
  5. Cross-sectional assessment of >20,000 clinical samples submitted for HCV NS3/4A protease inhibitor drug resistance testing in the US