All genotypic assays require a viral load of > 500 copies/mL with the exception of GenoSure Archive®, which was designed for use in patients with non-detectable viral loads or low level viremia.
If genotypic testing fails on the initial attempt to result, the laboratory will perform in-house viral load testing to confirm adequate viral material. If the viral load is < 500 copies/mL, the viral load will be reported and the client will be billed for viral load testing.
If a patient’s viral load varies around the 500 copies/mL viral load requirement, it is possible to order viral load reflex testing (550920) in which a viral load reflexes to either GenoSure PRIme® or GenoSure Archive®.
- If the viral load is > 500 copies/mL, testing will reflex to GenoSure PRIme®
- If the viral load is < 500 copies/mL, testing will reflex to GenoSure Archive®
Viral load reflex testing is also available for GenoSure® MG and GenoSure PRIme®.