Labcorp Diagnostic Assistant™

A Powerful Solution for Managing Patient Care

Labcorp Diagnostic Assistant™ delivers Labcorp data and insights directly into your electronic health records (EHR). Data appears in real time to facilitate more informed and efficient clinical decisions at the point of care.

As an embedded solution within your EHR, Labcorp Diagnostic Assistant provides a more complete view of a patient’s lab history while delivering actionable guidelines and clinical decision support based on the patient’s EHR and Labcorp data–a powerful solution for managing the care of your patients.

Explore the Benefits

If you’re interested in learning more about Labcorp Diagnostic Assistant, let’s start a conversation.

Providing Lab Results from Labcorp’s Extensive Network 

Labcorp's single, unified data platform includes lab results for approximately 50% of the US population. Labcorp Diagnostic Assistant delivers these patient lab results to the point care, regardless of who ordered the lab test or which Labcorp facility performed the test.

Delivering a Single, Integrated View of Patient Lab Results

Labcorp Diagnostic Assistant leverages EHR-based, Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standards to combine lab results already in the EHR with the additional Labcorp lab results identified for a patient. This enables Labcorp Diagnostic Assistant in delivering a single, integrated view that can be accessed at the point of care, ensuring clinicians have the most complete view of a patient's lab history. 

Enhancing Clinical Decision Support Delivery

For more than 10 years, Labcorp has delivered guidelines-based clinical decision support (CDS) content to clinicians who support patients with high-cost disease states, such as chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, kidney stones, and most recently COVID-19.  

To date, more than 25,000 clinicians have enrolled in Labcorp's CDS program and have received over 7 million lab-based clinical decision reports. Labcorp Diagnostic Assistant provides real-time access to this content at the point of care, allowing the clinician to leverage this information within their clinical decision-making workflow.

Enhancing Clinician Efficiency 

Labcorp Diagnostic Assistant highlights active conditions that require attention. Relevant data for each condition is integrated via SmartTrends™, a feature for viewing results trends. Guideline-based CDS content helps the clinician quickly address next steps.

Labcorp Diagnostic Assistant puts comprehensive clinical information all in one place-in the EHR. This minimizes the time clinicians spend toggling between disparate systems, mining data, and synthesizing information, allowing them to spend more time interacting with the patient.

Improving Patient Care

By providing comprehensive lab results and clinical insights at the point of care, Labcorp Diagnostic Assistant helps clinicians synthesize information and identify active conditions that warrant attention. Clinicians get insights that help facilitate conversations to engage patients in the next steps in their care plan.  

Benefits of Labcorp Diagnostic Assistant

  • Agnostic: leverages EHR-based standards to allow implementation into any clinician organization whose EHR is FHIR-enabled.
  • Comprehensive: delivers an enhanced laboratory view by linking Labcorp results that occurred outside of the clinician’s organization with other EHR data (e.g. labs, medications, procedures, vitals).
  • Configurable: allows clinicians to create custom filters to quickly get to the most clinically relevant results. 
  • Easy-to-use: brings data directly into workflows and displays guideline-based clinical insights on demand.


Creating Meaningful Interoperability for Patient Healthcare Records

For more than a decade, enormous investments in interoperability solutions have been made within the healthcare industry and accompanied by numerous initiatives attempting to connect health systems. From implementing electronic health record (EHR) systems to building reporting systems, Adam Plotts has experienced firsthand the challenges of successful interoperability and believes that enhancing EHR connectivity, accessibility, and ease of use are paramount in delivering healthcare information in a more meaningful way.


Decision Support: Building a Clinical Rules Engine with the Human Touch

The key to developing effective decision support is a rules engine that can marry technology and science, delivering an interpretation of complex test results in the clinician's workflow based on existing treatment guidelines. Let's explore five considerations for offering real-time insights to help clinicians provide better patient care.


Data vs. Insights: Meeting Clinicians and Patients at the Point of Care

Laboratory results are critical for diagnosing and monitoring a patient's condition, but Dr. Jennifer Ennis's experiences in practice and in talking with other clinicians underscore the need for laboratory insights that offer a clearer picture of a patient's health. There is also a need for corresponding information that enhances patient understanding of laboratory test results to increase engagement and compliance with treatment plans.