  • Delivering outcomes through effective execution of studies – Runs more than 180 aquatic ecotoxicology studies each year.

  • Leader in Endocrine Disruption & Microbial Pesticide

  • A combination of excellence in aquatic ecotoxicology and unrivalled analytic expertise to deliver a comprehensive service delivering robust regulator-ready data sets.

Aquatic ecotoxicology integrates the scientific disciplines of toxicology, aquatic ecotoxicology and chemistry. Combining knowledge from these disciplines with insights gained by running multiple aquatic ecotoxicology studies guarantees delivery of reliable data. Whether you need a single specialist study or a full study program, we can help you navigate the scientific and regulatory challenges aquatic ecotoxicology poses. 

Satisfying the aquatic ecotoxicology endpoints demanded by all major regulators

Major regulators around the world demand evidence on the potential hazard posed by your chemical to aquatic organisms and ecosystems. That means assessing your chemicals’ impact on various aquatic organisms from microorganisms and algae, up to amphibian predators. 

Comprehensive expertise to deliver study success

Our aquatic ecotoxicology group comprises dedicated scientists with expertise in all aquatic environments: wastewater, freshwater and even marine. We have a breadth of knowledge across many aquatic species covering multiple trophic levels. We leverage insight from our broader team of scientists to ensure we can offer the full package. This includes close collaborations with the chemistry departments (analytical, physical chemistry and radiochemistry), microbiology teams and also the metabolism and modelling teams for our bioconcentration studies. 

We have years of experience working with difficult to test substances, including poorly soluble chemicals, volatile chemicals, polymers, nanomaterials, metals and UVCBs. Working closely with our chemistry teams, we can design the most appropriate study to ensure we deliver robust, regulatory acceptable data.

Delivering standard and tailored aquatic ecotoxicology studies

We can design and run a broad suite of standard aquatic ecotoxicology studies to international standards. Difficult to manage chemicals require tailored studies, so we leverage our broad expertise built over many years to provide appropriate innovative solutions that will satisfy regulators.

 Our standard suite of aquatic ecotoxicology studies includes:

  • OECD 201: Freshwater Alga and Cyanobacteria, Growth Inhibition Test
  • OECD 202: Daphnia sp. Acute Immobilisation Test
  • OECD 203: Fish, Acute Toxicity Test
  • OECD 209: Activated Sludge, Respiration Inhibition Test (Carbon and Ammonium Oxidation)
  • OECD 210: Fish, Early-life Stage Toxicity Test
  • OECD 211: Daphnia magna Reproduction Test 
  • OECD 218: Sediment-Water Chironomid Toxicity Using Spiked Sediment
  • OECD 219: Sediment-Water Chironomid Toxicity Using Spiked Water
  • OECD 221: Lemna Growth Inhibition Test
  • OECD 305: Bioaccumulation in Fish: Aqueous and Dietary Exposure

As well as standard studies, our expertise stretches to non-standard and tailored studies including:

  • OECD 231: Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay (AMA)
  • OECD 229: Fish Short Term Reproduction Assay (FSTRA)
  • OECD 230: 21-Day Fish Assay

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